Headstrong’s mission is to heal the hidden wounds of war by providing cost-free, bureaucracy-free, stigma-free, confidential and effective mental health treatment for post-9/11 veterans and their families. It was founded by Zach Iscol, a Marine Captain who fought in the Battle of Fallujah; Ann Beeder, MD, our Medical Director and a leading psychiatric and substance abuse expert; and Clinical Director, Gerard Ilaria, LCSW, who specializes in serving stigmatized and underserved populations. Alarmed by the number of post-9/11 veterans who died by suicide and the high burden of mental health disorders, they developed an evidence-based and highly effective suicide prevention and trauma treatment program that rehabilitates post-9/11 veterans with mental health challenges.
More information is available online at www.getheadstrong.org
In 2020, Infinite Hero granted $25,000 to Headstrong to support free lifesaving therapy, stabilization action, support and trauma processing for their clients.
The Funding